Monday, September 25, 2017

Enhancements in Shuffle

Pokémon Shuffle has a special class of items which are called Enhancements. They are called as such because they enhance or power up Pokémon in various ways. These started from just one kind, and today there are several kinds that aid players in raising and maximizing the abilities of their Pokémon. I do too, though I'm somewhat conservative about their use, mainly because they may be a little hard to obtain; but once obtained and used, they are quite helpful. Here then, are the Enhancements:

Mega Speedup. This was the first Enhancement present before it was called an Enhancement. It allows Pokémon that can Mega Evolve to do so sooner, if the Mega Start is not used. Use of this Enhancement may help to save Coins in doing so with an appropriate Mega strategy. The Enhancement can be used on all Pokémon that can Mega Evolve, but to different degrees - some may be able to have more than others, which may be adjusted with further updates to the game.

Raise Max Level. This Enhancement bumps up the maximum level of a Pokémon one level beyond its current maximum - "unlocks" the next level, so to speak. Prior to this Enhancement, all Pokémon in Shuffle were limited to 10 levels; now certain Pokémon may have greater levels. Like the Mega Speedup, this is different for different Pokémon, and further updates may allow this to be used on other Pokémon and/or to a greater degree.

Level Up. This is the "Rare Candy" of Pokémon Shuffle. It simply elevates the current level of a Pokémon (but not beyond the maximum, which needs the Raise Max Level for that). I find this quite wasteful if used on a Pokémon below level 5 as there are only a few hundred required experience points total among those levels, and this can easily be gotten elsewhere. But on higher levels that need thousands of points, by all means. It is still a rare Enhancement - true to its main series counterpart - so it demands to be used wisely.

Experience Boosters. These Enhancements give experience points to Pokémon that can still earn them. Three sizes (S, M, L) are available, with the larger sizes giving more points. These are helpful when a Pokémon is on the verge of heading to the next level but short by only a small amount of points; giving them these brings them up to the next level conveniently without having to go into battle.

Skill Boosters. These Enhancements "train" the skills of a Pokémon, making them more likely to occur and/or more powerful. Like Experience Boosters, three sizes (S, M, L) are available, and the larger sizes are more useful in later "training" levels; these apply to any Pokémon whose skills have not been maxed. It should be noted that some Pokémon may drop a Personal Skill Booster in applicable stages after they are caught; these are immediately awarded rather than being stored for later use, yet tend to have a lesser effect than the "universal" boosters.

Skill Swapper. This Enhancement allows changing of the skill of certain Pokémon to a different one, akin to the Ability Capsule of the main series. Only Pokémon that possess multiple skills can have the Enhancement, and only one skill is carried in memory at any time. For that reason, this is not an Enhancement that I use often, preferring the use of different Pokémon.

All of these Enhancements certainly have high utility, especially when used appropriately and wisely. To that end, I try not to be too liberal with them and only use them where and when they are absolutely needed. Whatever the case, these items are truly handy and helpful for Shuffle players to get an edge in certain stages by helping their Pokémon help them, powered up to a better degree.

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