Saturday, September 9, 2017

My Book of Days

One day, one night, one moment,
My dreams could be, tomorrow.
One step, one fall, one falter,
East or west, over earth or by ocean.
One way to be my journey,
This way could be my Book of Days...
-- "Book of Days", Enya

I had a (mostly) fantastic day yesterday, and a part of it involved Pokémon. I think any day can be a good day, but when Pokémon becomes involved, it becomes a better day, and yesterday was that kind of day. It's almost as if I'm living a "book of days" with Pokémon, which brings to mind the Enya song of the same title. The song was originally a semi-instrumental piece before it was remade with vocal verses for the movie Far and Away, which so happens to be referenced in the lyrics. But in my view, this song can apply to Pokémon as well as my Pokémon-influenced days.

Every day is a journey, and this is especially true for Pokémon Trainers, whose journeys involve not just days, but everything in those days, including the paths they take and the choices they make. I find this true whether I'm playing the main series games and even Go, something that I've recently enjoyed replaying. I've had to take and make some fruitful as well as less-than-fruitful paths and decisions in both, but for the most part I'm satisfied with them. This is my journey, and it became what it is thanks to them.

As for my day yesterday, it involved some Pokémon things that were out of the ordinary, in a way of speaking. I had a stroke of luck playing Go in a different place, which led me to catch some of the newest Pokémon to grace the game. On top of that, I had a shared experience with a fellow Pokémon fan who came from a somewhat far place, though the shared experience was not really for playing Pokémon games - yet I could quite tell that he also had some appreciation for Pokémon, for which he showed his cellphone wallpaper, which featured a Xerneas, as well as that there was something else that merits a different and full post. It was great how Pokémon entered my day then and how I made sure it was realized, a fitting one for my book of days.

So this - each day I spend with Pokémon - is my book of days. Whatever I do in the games and however I relate with other people through Pokémon are what makes these days part of that. This is an experience that puts value and meaning in those days as I take on the journey of life. As part of the rest of the song goes:

This way became my journey - this day ends together, far and away.

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