Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Strong Opinions

People have opinions - it's a natural thing. If they like or are interested in something, then they will have opinions for that thing. I like Pokémon, and I certainly have my own opinions too, which is why I started this blog, so that I could share my opinions and possibly discuss them with other fans, those who have an interest in Pokémon. So when I saw a "recap" of how certain fans reacted to the announcement of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon and how this is similar to reactions to Black 2 and White 2, I felt that I have to give my opinions about these opinions, and now I want to take this post to do just that.

As I've noted in my post about new paradigms, made the day after the announcement about the new games, Black 2 and White 2 against Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon have parallels, more than just how the games look at first glance. They eschewed prior paradigms - "third games", generational procession, console continuance - in favor of something different though similar to the main series games before them. It seems for some fans this just does not sit well, and they still expect something of the previous paradigm. Further, they also think that the new games don't bring anything new to the table.

It is my opinion, then, that these opinions are somewhat overblown for their strength. While it is valid to expect something of a previous paradigm, such as a "third game" or remakes, it is as equally valid to have something different yet similar as well. Also, if other things in life are any indication, it is that appearances are not always suggestive of what's inside - so the new games to come might just have enough going for it to almost be considered a totally new game. In the end the games are obtained and played anyhow, and by then opinions such as what have been given are effectively quashed.

I suppose it is fine to have strong opinions, but not as strong as these that they end up being overblown. It is important to keep in mind that everyone has ones of their own, which may or may not be strong; the key is perhaps to normalize them through discussion in some way. I like Pokémon a whole lot, and while I have my own opinions, I see that they are just that: mine. A fellow fan will think differently about what I think, but that's OK. We are people after all, and we have our own opinions - let them be different, but may our interests be the same.

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