Friday, September 1, 2017

Takara Tomy Pokémon XY&Z Pikachu Halloween Mascot - Ver. D

I know Halloween is still a couple of months away, but I can't resist sharing this one. Back at Nimatsuri, when I and a friend discussed the Pokémon games, we also discussed about merchandise a bit, and he dropped word about this one that he was willing to bequeath upon me; I finally was able to retrieve it a few days ago. It happens to be one of those things that you get for a spin of a gacha machine, and he gave it along with the capsule, which is much appreciated. This also means I don't have to spin for one - because someone else has already done the spinning - which is kind of neat.

As can be discerned from the description, this item combines Pikachu and Halloween elements. It's a small figure that is attached to a small chain, so it can be used in the manner of an ornament or keychain. Also, the information card tells me that this is one of five versions of the mascot; other versions include Pikachu in a mage costume and even in a vampire costume, the latter of which for obvious reasons I've begun to dub as "Count Pikachu". The one I have, though, is Version D, which is Pikachu in a jack-o-lantern costume, which is not bad at all.

What I love about this small figure is its whimsy and incorporation of the Halloween theme, in particular the jack-o-lantern costume. Pikachu is perfectly dressed in the costume and even its tail shows through the back of the costume. The green collar and pumpkin hat also add a slightly natural touch which goes with the pumpkin elements. It's totally neatly designed and just perfect to channel a Halloween vibe.

Personally, I'm very pleased to have this figure for what it is. It just shows that Halloween is known widely and can go with Pokémon. I'm also grateful to my friend for finding it, because I know that things like this can be very hard to encounter, let alone obtain, especially through gacha. Even if it's only one part of this set of small figures, I'm happy that it's in my possession, ready to enliven the upcoming Halloween.

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