Monday, September 18, 2017

What I (Really) Like About You - Pokémon

Keep on whispering in my ear
Tell me all the things that I wanna' to hear, 'cause that's true
That's what I like about you
That's what I like about you
-- "What I Like About You", The Romantics

I cannot stress this enough, but Pokémon is many things - or are, in respect to the creatures. Every tidbit of the creatures is something that defines them, whether they are concrete such as type, ability, statistic, or moves, or abstract such as personality or behaviors. There seems to be something to like about every creature in the Pokémon world, and that brings to my mind this particular classic rock song.

A good portion of the lyrics of this song speaks to life (or at least what life is like) with these creatures, for the abstract tidbits. They are and can be close pals (" hold me tight/Tell me I'm the only one..."), whether big or small, in doing things together in battle or otherwise. They are everywhere ("up, down, jump around") on land, sea, and sky with all the things they can do. And that which they can do runs the gamut from fire (to "keep me warm at night") to water ("to make me feel all right"). It's a little imaginative, but it is somewhat true on a deeper level.

Of course, for a VGC player, then the concrete tidbits are what is liked. They're all little details that are desirable when they're perfectly obtained and give benefits in battle. It may be hard to do so and may need give-and-take, but when they're just right, they often are. And when a battle strategy works, that is likable too. It's all a matter of getting the details right so that they may give (surprisingly) likable results going into and out of a battle.

Whether strictly battle-based for VGC in the concrete details or more imaginative and abstract, these things are what make Pokémon what they are. It is then these things that become attractive for battle needs or to justify living with them. I find this likable no matter what, and this is totally appreciable. It is truly what I like about you.

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