Friday, February 23, 2018

Community Days!

Since January, Pokémon Go has held a special event called Community Day. True to its name, the event is geared to get communities of people that still play Go to get out there, grab Pokémon, and gather up. The mechanism is simple: during a one-day's certain period of time in the daylight, a featured Pokémon with a unique move will be available for capture, along with other special bonuses that make the event attractive for communities. As a lone player who is now involved with a group, I do see the attractiveness and find it neat.

The previous Community Day in January featured Pikachu, and a novel one at that, since it knows the move Surf, so this is the game's take on the infamous Surfing Pikachu. The next Community Day, which will be tomorrow, will feature the Dratini family and the move Draco Meteor. It's important to note that the move will be available only tomorrow (that is, on the event day at the specified time), so only those who partake in the event will get the bonuses. That becomes the incentive to meet up and participate.

I have to say that I missed the previous Community Day, and for a good reason: the event coincided with another event, one that I feel is closer to me as I am to Pokémon. Incidentally, that was the day I almost won the quiz of my local raid group, and the technicality is also because of the Community Day. Regardless, I did manage to catch one of the Surfing Pikachu with the help of an Incense, yet it does seem meaningless that I did it without my "community", which in my case means my raid group. For that, I wish to contribute and make the next one more of a success.

The great thing about Go is that it's a great game for a crowd, even a social game. An event such as Community Day only serves to affirm that, and that's a good thing. Judged by the photos submitted on the game's web site, many people and their communities have come out to make this event a success; it means that the game is alive and well among its players. I'd say, then, that the event accomplishes the three objectives nicely: people do go out, grab Pokémon, and gather with people who do the exact same thing. It's a beautiful sight for any Go player and any Pokémon fan in general.

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