Saturday, February 10, 2018

Hoenn (Fully) Confirmed on Go

A few years ago, on the verge of the release of the third-generation main series game remakes, there was a phrase that was mentioned from the day of its announcement up to its release: "Hoenn confirmed". Today, that same phrase rings true for a different Pokémon game, and that would be Pokémon Go. Pokémon from Hoenn have now more or less fully made their way in, and along with that, there are also special events for a period of time.

This period of time has been dubbed as the "Sky Wave", and for a good reason: Rayquaza, the green dragon of the sky, is now a possible tier 5 boss, which will be the case for approximately the next month. Kyogre will also still be a raid boss, but only for a few more days, as was the case with the transition from Groudon from the "Land Wave" to the "Sea Wave". Raid bosses on lower tiers also seem to be transitioning or have transitioned to other Pokémon. Whatever the case, this does mean greater opportunities for other Pokémon to take the limelight.

Meanwhile, the current limelight is indeed Pokémon from Hoenn, and to that effect, for the next few days, they're almost exclusively the Pokémon available for capture. Even Castform with all its forms and the Beldum and Bagon families have appeared, which means more unique and strong Pokémon for capture and battle. Soon it won't be a surprise to see them intermittently in Gyms and in raid battles too.

And that's not all; there are also special bonuses for everyone. The box item packages are back for two weeks, so it is highly recommended to grab at least one of them while they're available. Lures also last for far longer during this time period, making lure parties more conveniently achievable. These bonuses are huge, so it's hard not to take advantage of them while they're still available and in effect.

For those who are still devoted to the game or have gotten back into it, this is a special treat. The third generation could be considered a pinnacle of sorts for the main series games, and now that it's here in full force in one of its popular spinoff games, it becomes ever more wonderful and intriguing, just as that phrase held wonder and intrigue back when the generational remakes were released.

Hoenn is (fully) confirmed, and it's as real as ever in Pokémon Go.

One year ago: Space

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