Sunday, February 4, 2018

Tournament: PTC18 Online Tournament 2

After a long time, I've finally been able to enter a tournament. I wasn't originally planning on entering this tournament, but they said they were lacking participants, so I decided to enter. It turns out just to be able to enter was a miracle, as I had to go through several obstacles just to be able to register, and I did it in the nick of time. It was then just a matter of checking in and heading forth into the matches. Admittedly though, quite a few people made it in, so it wasn't quite as lacking as I thought, and it came out to a good, even number.

Now, this is an online tournament. For this one, all matches are conducted over the online connection feature of the Pokémon main series games, which in this case means Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon as per VGC 2018 rules. Pairings are announced for each round, and the opponents seek one another independently, battle, and report the results. This continues until several rounds are reached, which in this case is five. The overall results are then shown, and the winners are determined.

As for the results, I didn't do so well tonight. Out of the five battles that I fought, I lost them all. In other words, I got creamed. The most promising battles were Rounds 2 and 5, but then the momentum shifted midway. In the other ones, the momentum was just never there. Part of it is attributable to bad strategy, while another goes to bad prediction. But the biggest part is probably directed to the team and the preparations that went into it.

And I must say, I got caught in a situation of under-preparedness, much like the only tournament I entered last year and the dirty little secret behind it. I fell into the same trap, and perhaps at a worse position. I may have to do something drastic to take myself out of this trap. I know I will need a bit of assistance in doing so, so I wish to take that to my advantage, yet also make a part of the effort truly mine.

The consolation is that this is the second out of a series of online tournaments this year, and there will be a few more. The first one happened right around the time I was discussing something that makes this game what it is. For the rest of the online tournaments, it is something to keep in mind as I attempt to pull myself out of this rut, in hopes that the next one will at least be a bit more favorable. There will be a few more chances; I'll see to it that this happens.

One year ago: Pokémon and Mahjong Tile Games

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