Friday, June 12, 2020

As In As All...

It's been about a year since the National Dex brouhaha emerged along with its dynamics, which I covered to a certain extent in last year's post (see below). Even with that controversial happening, the Sword and Shield games, for which this becomes a concern have managed to sell, and there is even an "expansion pass" on the way with old and new things alike. It seems appropriate to consider what became of it today as well as the takeaway from it. 

At this point, the situation can be said to have been pretty much accepted. The games have been released and what's there is there, including for the new expansion. People don't seem to mind buying the former and then most likely the latter for the full experience. If it means they still can make their Pokémon team to be what it can be even with what is offered, that seems to be all that matters. The big thing is the opportunities that are ready to manifest. 

It also would seem that the controversy has happened for naught. In a way, yes, but another way to regard it is that the controversy highlighted something: every Pokémon fan wants Pokémon to embody as many things as possible (or nearly all), something that can happen with as many species as possible. Even if the case of today may have limited this possibility, at the least many things can still happen in different ways even if they don't come close to "all".

The above is reminding me of a song that became popular in relevance to (a certain) technology a few years back:

As warm as the sun, as silly as fun
As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea
As hot as fire, cold as ice
Sweet as sugar and everything nice
All I wanna be
Oh, oh, oh - all I wanna be
Is everything
Everything at once
-- "Everything at Once", Lenka

The technology also warranted an all-inclusiveness that didn't go over well, and even may have been unwanted. It's certainly different from the all-inclusiveness desired for Pokémon, and the sentiments of the song suit the sentiments of this situation more than the other one.

What transpired about a year ago had been quite the uproar, as much anything Pokémon-related can be considered to be an "uproar". After that, it pretty much died down. It may not have indicated that the main series games can be as all-inclusive as they were in the past, but it indicated that Pokémon fans are always "all in" - even if not entirely, it is surely with everything that can be provided.

One year ago: Nationally Challenged
Two years ago: Before Gold and Silver
Three years ago: Red on a Bike

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