Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Go with the Flow

Carry me on the waves
To the lands I've never been
Carry me on the waves
To the lands I've never seen
We can sail, we can sail
With the Orinoco Flow
We can sail, we can sail
(Sail away, sail away, sail away)
-- "Orinoco Flow", Enya

Beyond all the combat that is characteristic of many Pokémon games and Pokémon in general, there is the adventure aspect, which many Pokémon games and other Pokémon-related things also have in spades. The adventure moves about those who enjoy any or all of these, along many lands and seas. Regarding movement on the sea, there is one song by the well-known New Age singer Enya that captures exactly the sentiments related to that, and that song is the one I've quoted above. It has been on my mind in recent times, and it also brings Pokémon to my mind. 

The song is named for the flowing waters of the Orinoco River in South America, and the river is mentioned several times in the song, though much of the sentiments of the song go beyond the region of that river. In fact, as stated above, the sentiments concern an adventure on the high seas, to places that one may not have been to or seen before. True to that spirit, the song also mentions a few places that one could theoretically visit by sea voyage, along with a bit of historical and even legendary spirit. It might prove to be inspiring for one to take up that voyage.

While one is likely to be hard-pressed to conduct such a voyage, especially in current times, one may still find that voyaging spirit through other means, and my way is through Pokémon. Beyond the fantastic places and regions presented in many Pokémon things, there is of course the sea, particularly as noted by Sorrel of the famous 20th movie. Though the connections among them are not evident or have not yet been made as such, it is clear that the seas do connect them, and it would prove to be a fantastic voyage for those who can picture it as such. 

That does lead to the idea that a "Pokémon Version" of this song can be made. Though quite a bit of the places found in many Pokémon things are inland places or otherwise does not have a clear connection to the sea, it may still be fantastic to link them up through the means of this song. For that to happen, there are also lyrical considerations, as the original places mentioned are intended to rhyme one way or another, and many Pokémon places are quite multi-syllabic, especially with their descriptors included. It's an excellent challenge for creativity to string Pokémon places in lyrics in this manner. 

With that, this song is admittedly a pretty good song for adventure, especially one that is imagined to take place along the high seas. The presence of high seas in the world of Pokémon only represents a heightened sense of that imagination, for which applying Pokémon to the song would serve to appease the imaginations of its fans, especially dedicated ones like me. Though a high-seas adventure by way of Pokémon might take a stretch of the imagination, it is certainly not out of the question; one would perhaps just need to "go with the flow" for that adventure through the places of Pokémon.

Three years ago: Limited Editions

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