Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Good Storage Limit Counts

The other day, I had a discussion with one of my raid subgroups about a fascinating matter that applies to pretty much any Trainer in Pokémon Go. In the game, there are limits to how many Pokémon and items that a Trainer can store or carry, though this can be increased by paying up 200 PokéCoins by 50 at a time to a certain maximum, which has changed over time. What I and others discussed was how much of either one a Trainer should have in consideration of the situations that Trainers may be in.

At present, one may store up to a maximum of 3000 Pokémon, some time ago increased from 2500 to accommodate for more Pokémon with alternate forms and movesets. Most of the "generals" (see below for my tale) and me have reached this peak, so we've had to eliminate (transfer or trade) quite a few Pokémon as our storage fills up to this limit. But of course, this expansion from a measly few hundred comes as a result of months collecting PokéCoins and/or paying for them. Some may choose to struggle with a portion of that limit, while others may periodically expand and still feel that it's not enough, especially with "sudden happenings" that occur. Eventually, one will have to expand due to necessity or simply because there is room to do so.

On the item side, one may carry up to a maximum of 2500 items, also some time ago increased from 2500, likely to allow for more potential uses of items and due to some recently introduced items. In this area, there seems to be a bit more variation, as some may be able to stick things out with whatever item amount they have, including in the sub-thousands and mid-thousands. Yet there is also the school of thought that the item limit should be maximized in order to carry great numbers of items, particularly of a single item; Rare Candies have been cited in this regard as they have many potential uses, including emergency ones due to "sudden happenings". The investment in this case is certainly not very little.

I have my own stances on these limits. For Pokémon storage, one should expand gradually with periodic events (such as Community Day) or else eliminate enough Pokémon in equal measure to the would-be expansion, though I'd say that 1000 Pokémon is good for up to level 20, 2000 is good for levels 20-35, and 3000 is good for all else. I don't take the view of maximum item limit expansion as I believe in item utility, but I do take the view that a proportional limit suffices for that purpose, between 40-50% of the current Pokémon storage limit that one has. One will still need to eliminate Pokémon or use up items as needed, but one may also be compelled to save PokéCoin investments by doing so.

Different Trainers will likely be in different situations, certainly, so my suggested limit counts as well as those suggested by others may apply to different extents, and there is always the potential for their maxima to expand due to the things that happen within the game. Based on the discussions that took place in that subgroup, it may be apt to consider that there will always be certain needs for certain people at certain times, but some rules of thumb may also pertinently apply to guide one to and with proper limits.

One year ago: I'm a "General"!

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