Saturday, June 6, 2020

Repetition for Reputation

There are always things that I pick up from different sources and then perceive that they apply to my Pokémon-filled life and Pokémon itself as well. One of them is a principle that I recently had picked up from a TV program I had been watching, which I've stated in the title of this post. The principle essentially states that whatever one does repeatedly will have an effect on one's reputation, essentially building it up. Examining Pokémon and my life, this becomes apparent in a number of ways for a number of things.

My cosplay is one of those things. I've already stated that it is "timeless", but it is also repeated to the point of being "consistent" as many would describe it, including the main vocalist of a band I've collaborated with before (in fact, it was directly stated in the introduction to that very moment). This has cemented my reputation not only as a cosplayer but also as a Pokémon fan. With that, the principle is evidently true and I become an embodiment of the principle.

For Pokémon itself, one particularly famous and ingrained form of repetition is the playable inclusion of past species in the main series games. This has been a long-running norm in the games that creates a "reputation" of sorts, by which it makes sense that last year's National Dex brouhaha was such an uproar - it weakened the "reputation" that had been gained. With the expansion packs to come for the Sword and Shield games soon, at the least the reputation can be maintained to a further extent.

Back to myself, this blog represents a repetition of an extreme kind, one that at this point is fast approaching three and a half years. I've gained a bit of reputation for it, but not as much as I'd like it to be in order to be for Pokémon prospects that allow me to contribute and be rewarded for them. That's why I recently established a presence on Ko-fi to help myself in addition to what I've already accomplished through all the different Pokémon things that I've done. Here, I'm sure the principle will continue to hold.

The principle of "repetition for reputation" is one that has been affirmed by the TV program that I watched, but looking at what I've went through with Pokémon and what Pokémon has gone through, I would say they affirm the principle as well. It's a remarkable and valuable principle regarding what one can accordingly do with one's actions. It serves one well to think about repeating the things that matter for a reputation that matters, especially for the things that one may enjoy.

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