Saturday, April 29, 2017

Cosplay: ComiCamp 2, Day 1

It seems that quite a few of the events that happen this year are events that are happening for the second time, and this one happens to be one of those. This event can be said to be a local version of Comic Market-style events, of course with all the frills of typical Japanese events. That means cosplay is included, and this time I chose to go back to my roots and cosplay third-generation Ash. The choice was made because it was one of the few costumes that I hadn't used in the venue of the event, and there have been quite a few events in the venue in the past.

Speaking of venues, the problem with this one is that while there is a roof over it, the sides are exposed to the air outside, so if it rains, then it will be somewhat moist - and it did, and it was. It's something that has happened for the past few events that were held in the same venue, and it has happened again for this one. Fortunately the rain overall was not disruptive to the course of the event as well as to the community and merchant stands.

As for cosplay, it has been a slow day; come to think of it, it has been a slow day for everything. Today is after all a Saturday, and local Saturday events (with the exception of one in particular) are generally slow and lacking in attendance. I didn't see many cosplayers on the floor, so I was one of the few that actually did cosplay. The day also ended earlier than I thought it would; today's events actually ran until about 6:30 PM, while most stands already closed up 15 minutes earlier, and by 6:45 PM few people were left. That is why I was able to go home early and write up this review.

One other thing: I did not see many Pokémon collectibles by the independent merchants, or at least not one that I've found captivating and/or unique enough to bring back, but that's also because I could only browse through the merchant stands quickly as I was managing a community stand with the help of friends. I'm going back to them tomorrow to rethink if I should get their offerings. Tomorrow is Day 2, and the event goes on; I expect more of the same, but with a greater crowd for everything. That should hopefully mean a lot more fun.

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