Monday, April 24, 2017


If my post yesterday about One Piece and Pokémon is any indication, it's that I love crossovers with Pokémon as much as I love Pokémon itself. It's a great way to have a little Pokémon pleasantry along with other things. What kind of things? Well, that depends on your tastes and my tastes. You may like the same things that I do, but then again, you may not, and it's the same for me. You are entitled to them as much as I am to mine.

Crossovers are something that I have to discuss about sooner or later, especially with the way I post on this blog. It's only natural for any series to cross or be crossed over at some point after their creation; certainly the nearest and dearest one to Pokémon is the Super Smash Bros. games, which is a mega-crossover of Nintendo's most popular franchises (and pals) into a fighting game. I've only rarely played the games, but they're already great for featuring Pokémon. I don't plan on owning any of the games anytime soon, but it would be great to play a friend's copy alongside them.

Crossovers are often made by other people, but that doesn't mean I can't make a few of my own. I tend to think of myself as a "remix artist" since I really like to mix up or re-interpret the works of others, and in fact I actually do earn something from a similar effort to this when it comes to what I know best: languages - though not in the area of serial crossovers. But really, I have made a crossover of sorts with words involving Pokémon and another series, though I'll save that for another post, since it really deserves that.

Pokémon is a lively franchise, but it's even more lively to see it cross over with and into other things, certainly with anything else that I like. Crossovers are somewhat of a test (as well as a testament) of our creativity to pair and/or complement things that are not necessarily compatible and to have fun with the results. I know I'm already delighted and having fun with the ones that involve Pokémon, and I'm inspired and curious to see and make further ones.

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