Tuesday, April 4, 2017

One Thing

So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing
-- "One Thing", One Direction

If you've been reading the past two posts on this blog, then you've noticed how songs that are seemingly unrelated to Pokémon do in fact remind me of Pokémon. So here's another one, this time by a more globally known music group. This song is about the attribute that makes someone interested, the "one thing" mentioned in the song. In regard to me and Pokémon, the "one thing" is connected by something I've discussed previously: passion.

As told by One Direction in song, they don't know what the "one thing" is, but they need it from an attraction they found. A similar situation occurs with me and Pokémon. Sometimes I can tell what it is I like about something Pokémon, like the persistence displayed by Ash or the power demonstrated by Pikachu, but other times, I have a hard time describing or expressing what it is I like about something Pokémon, though obviously I have to try my darndest for this blog. I personally feel that it goes back to the other thing I mentioned above, passion. There are times when my passion makes it clear what I can say I like, as for the things above, but then there are also times when my passion clouds specific things, and at that point I am only able to just say I like things as a whole. Again, the challenge for this blog is to get past the latter so I can be in the former.

Can I say that I have a blinding passion? In some ways, but I can also say that I have a passion that guides my way. It's blinding in that it keeps me noticing only particular things at times, but it's guiding because it also leads me to new things to like. It is both at the same time. The trick is to balance the two aspects and know when to stay put and move away from a particular facet that I like, so as to equalize everything.

So what is the "one thing"? It seems to be many things, in regard to the many facets of Pokémon. But then again, in the Pokémon world, all the creatures are united in being called Pokémon. So just perhaps, that one thing is Pokémon itself, connected by the passion I have. It's a simple and elegant way to think about it, since it will remain something that I like. I need it, and you've got it - that one thing.

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