Friday, September 15, 2017

Am I Writing-Challenged?

I've explained in the very first post of this blog that the key purpose of this blog is to peruse my language abilities (specifically writing), combine them with Pokémon, and present my thoughts and experiences as they happen. Lately, however, I've had to question whether I'm actually able in this territory as I say I am. While my attraction to Pokémon is incessant and unquestioned no matter what happens, my language abilities are another thing altogether. Thus I am interested in seeking the answer to the question I pose as the title of this post.

I've written a lot of things in my life - and I mean a lot. Granted, quite a few of them never see the eyes of the wider public, but a good number have at least gone past several pairs of eyes, and that is exactly the case right now with the posts on this blog. In essence, much of my life has been defined by what I have written, and now I'm trying to "turn the tide", so to speak, and write about something that clearly has defined my life: Pokémon. I have had many experiences with and around it, with many more to come, so I thought that it would be best to share them with others. This led to the creation of this blog as you see now.

Apart from this blog, I've never really wrote much in actuality about Pokémon, with one exception. That exception is fanfiction, an area that demands some creativity in addition to good story writing. I've made some of my works float around in the past, but really, this deserves discussion at some other time, alias in another post. Aside from this, I've never really publicized my actual feelings, perceptions, and experiences regarding and with Pokémon, and this becomes the greater aim of this blog and the posts contained within.

Recall that I have disclosed that I'm not a perfect person, when it comes to my Pokémon experiences or anything else. So writing would surely be included in that regard; in fact, in the past I have been sentenced (please, pardon the pun) that I have not written well, and I'm less sure of the case today. I probably have made mistakes somewhere along the way in writing up the posts of this blog, and I would certainly be ashamed to find ones in later times. But mistakes can also be corrected, so should I make them, I do wish to amend or atone for them in some way - perhaps not fully, but at least so that the impact is reduced.

As for the answer to the title question, it seems the answer could go either way. By experience, I should be able to put down my experiences of Pokémon in posts such as this one, but it may seem sometimes this doesn't work for some odd reason, and again, I apologize should this happen. No matter the quality of writing, though, I know that I've had varied experiences with Pokémon and I certainly have my own views, and it is my hope that at least through this blog that they may be shared from me to you.

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