Saturday, September 2, 2017

Bandai Pokémon XY&Z Pokémon Lover Mascot - Squirtle

As I was putting my recently-received gacha item in place in my room, I realized that my own gacha history goes back some ways, and I've even received another gacha item from the same friend some time ago. That item is the one I wish to discuss now. In terms of size, it's the largest gacha item I have, and the same goes for its capsule size. Functionally, though, it's pretty similar.

The item, like the one I recently received, is one attached to a ring, though there doesn't seem to be anything else special about it except for the image of the Pokémon concerned. The mascot series itself seems to be directed for any general fan of Pokémon, as the series includes the three first-generation starters, Pikachu (of course), Eevee, Gengar, and even Mew. This is a pretty good lineup if you ask me, covering bases from the common to the rare to even one Legendary.

Like the other item, this could conceivably be used as an ornament or keychain. Looking at how the item is structured, it seems to remind me of certain refrigerator magnets, as I've had some of these that are designed in almost the same way. I'm tempted to convert this item into one of these, but I won't for the sake of maintaining the originality of the item. Plus, I'm a little craft-challenged to make something like this. If I really want a refrigerator magnet I'll have to seek for it elsewhere or make my own.

I'm satisfied regardless with this item. Its design is real nice and the image is rather cute and inviting. With these qualities, it's not hard to not ask for anything more... except probably more items from the same series. But even just one is satisfying enough.

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