Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Where I live, there are a lot of stray cats that come to visit. A few of them are friendly, almost like loose house pets that come for a stroll. However, most of the others are apprehensive and are wary of being approached. In a similar fashion, there are many people living in my area, and I interact with them in different ways. It stands to reason, then, that people have differing personalities, and so do animals. Taking this to the world of Pokémon, the same people (and especially Trainers) have differing personalities, and Pokémon would too.

I've already discussed Pokémon personalities in regard to their types with a song that encapsulates them. But it shouldn't be forgotten that they can and do act in ways that parallel both people and real animals in the games and the anime. The PokéPark and Mystery Dungeon series exemplify this best for the former, as they are games where Pokémon take center stage with little relation to people. For the latter, there is a myriad of examples, but there are also Pokémon-centric ones like the pre-movie shorts, one of which I detailed last month. The point is that Pokémon too can and do behave in ways that are reminiscent of real living things.

As for people, they're as real as they could be, so that means they have the same kinds of personalities as real people have. Sure, some of their roles are fictional, but that doesn't mean they're all of the same role. As I've explained in a post about how everyone can relate to Pokémon, people of other roles are necessary to support everyone. This does mean that their personalities can go along with and be shaped by their roles, but that is expected. With all the differences that exist within our two worlds, it would be hard to believe that everyone acts the same way and does the same thing. This is quite appreciable.

It seems personalities are abound in the world of Pokémon, whether among the people or its creatures. That's a good thing, since this allows for a distinct connection to the real world, for which a part is made up of much the same personalities. And if they're the same, then I know that almost no two are alike. It's something that I'll try to keep in mind as I interact with the animals and people around me.

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