Monday, April 17, 2017

We're All Tied to Pokémon

If you've played the Pokémon games or watched the anime comprehensively, you may have noticed that along with Trainers, Rangers, and other primary characters, there are many other characters with just as many occupations that much resemble our real-world counterparts. This leads to a little consideration: no matter what we do, if we are to be placed in the Pokémon world, we would all fit in, not just as primary characters, but also in what we actually do. It's a little fantastical, but bear with me.

I keep saying this, but it's really true: our world and the Pokémon world are like each other. So much. In the real world, everyone has a role to play; we all have something that we can do or should do best, and we cannot necessarily be and do everything. As an example, not everyone can be a chef, but some people can, and they're to help those of us lesser-abled in cookery. This is what makes our world tick. In a way, the same is also true of the Pokémon world - we can't all be (free-roaming) Trainers and Rangers and whatnot, because other people have to be there to support them. Some people in the Pokémon world can therefore conceivably take up being chefs rather than full-fledged Trainers to do so, as an example. They and others make the world of Trainers as well as the world of Pokémon tick.

In the Pokémon world, though, everyone is linked to Pokémon in some way. Trainers, Rangers, and other primary characters are obvious in this case, because Pokémon is a major part of what they do. For everyone else, Pokémon are friends, pets, helpful creatures, and so on. This is true no matter what the occupation of the person concerned is. A chef, to continue the example above, could potentially enlist (but not exploit) the help of certain Pokémon in cookery, giving things an added value. And if worst comes to worst, then a chef may turn into a Trainer if so challenged as one. This is conceivably part of a life lived with Pokémon.

You could think of these relationships as augmented versions of the ones in our real world, with Pokémon added, and thus we would fit in there just doing what we do, with the added bonus of their help. Of course, we have no Pokémon in our world, so we can only do what we can without them. It's still a worthwhile thought to be sure, and one that inspires us to keep doing that which we can do best. I don't know about you, but I'm certainly inspired to do so.

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