Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Electricity: Harness, Don't Exploit

I've recently been having some electrical problems where I live and it has caused further problems for productivity or otherwise, including this blog. Of course, this leads me to think: how do they regard electricity over in the world of Pokémon? For many, it would seem that the answer is simple, since there's an entire type for a class of Pokémon that can generate the stuff - take it from them. While this makes sense, this approach is something that is more suited to the likes of Team Rocket et al., not to mention that if such a process occurs in our own world, it would bring up issues of animal rights et cetera.

Thus I've come up with a theoretical principle for electricity in the world of Pokémon: harness, don't exploit. Using Pokémon, in particular Electric types, for electricity is tantamount to exploitation, something that is frowned upon. It's much better to let them roam free and generate their own electricity for their own purposes, and whatever they don't use, the people can (at least, attempt to) collect for their use. Of course, if the Pokémon world is anything like ours, then the people can also draw electricity from renewable sources, just like we do with ours. Thus the people harness electric potentials rather than exploit the creatures that do generate electricity.

What can we learn from this? We can learn that if we treat animals kindly, they'll treat us back in return, which in the case of Pokémon means their willingness to become the people's comrades. We can also learn that we should try to find ways to let nature work to generate electricity that most benefits us as well as nature itself. We're not yet capable of harnessing lightning for electricity, for example, but who knows - maybe we'll get there soon enough.

And now I need to harness a solution for those electrical problems.

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