Wednesday, January 4, 2017

"They can imitate you, but they can't duplicate you..."

They can imitate you
But they can't duplicate you
Cause you got something special
That makes me wanna taste you
I want it all day long
I'm addicted like it's wrong
I want it all day long
I'm addicted like it's wrong
-- "Dessert", Dawin

Lately I have been hearing the song "Dessert" by Dawin again after it came into popularity a few months back. What does this have to do with Pokémon, you might ask? Well, going back to the title of this blog, not a day goes by without it - when I hear this song, I don't think of pretty girls, as this song might suggest. I think of Pokémon instead.

I think of this song on two levels. On one level, this song is about me appreciating all that I like about Pokémon, in particular everything official that Nintendo, Game Freak, cum sociis has done or bestowed their blessings upon. Done right, they are indeed games and media that are addictive and like no other, and can be played all day long if there ever was the possibility. That's not to say I don't like derivative works - after all, I create these as well - but it's just that time after time, I keep coming back to the original works for enjoyment. So I thank them for these.

On another level, this song is about Ash appreciating how different Pokémon have different qualities, specifically when they are pitted in battle against one another, and that this is something to be experienced in as many battles as possible, something that Ash might particularly desire. The "addiction" spoken of in the song particularly evokes an image of the latter. After having viewed so many episodes of the Pokémon anime, I am convinced that this is the case.

So there you go. This is how something only distantly related to Pokémon actually evoke and reminds of Pokémon for me - and thus Pokémon stays with me. And it's just one of many. There's just one final question:

Whatcha gon, whatcha gon do with that dessert?

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