Friday, January 6, 2017

A 3DS Story

Many of the Pokémon things that I have come with a story, and the Nintendo 3DS I possess is included. It's not a New 3DS; it's an old 3DS XL and it works well for my needs, not the least of which is for playing the most recent iteration of the Pokémon games, Sun and Moon. One thing that makes it special is that it's the Pikachu Limited Edition, so every time I go to play it, Pikachu is always looking at me before I go to open it and do my business there. Plus, the overall white-and-yellow color scheme just looks nice. The other thing that makes it special is the story of how it came to be mine.

This 3DS actually previously belonged to a good friend of mine, who is also a big Pokémon fan. Prior to our first formal meeting, he told me that he often saw me attending local Japanese events, and we even took a picture together. It was only later on during another one of these events that we became formally introduced to each other and realized how much we liked Pokémon. At that time he was fudging with two 3DSs, including the one that would come to be mine. As it turns out, he was transferring all his data to another 3DS because he needed to sell the Pikachu LE 3DS for some cash that he desperately needed. And the first person that he chose to offer the Pikachu LE 3DS was me. Thus as a gesture of good will, I took up the offer; he got his cash for his pressing needs, and I got something that I can enjoy the most recent iterations of Pokémon games on. It's a deal that I don't regret, as it has worked well for me up to this day.

This goes to show that like food, Pokémon has the ability to bring people together. In this case I appreciate the fact that I and my friend were brought together because we like many things Pokémon. Even today we still have a tight relationship, and anything Pokémon helps to sweeten the deal. For that I owe a huge thanks to Pokémon, and I hope that it may lead to other pleasant encounters in the future.

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