Thursday, January 5, 2017

Alt+0233 and Its Kin

For any Pokémon fan, the keyboard shortcut Alt+0233 (on Windows) is an important one. It's how you get the lowercase "é" with the acute accent (the strip above the "e") to show up properly for use in words that need it, including the word "Pokémon". What you do is - with the Num Lock on - hold down Alt, then press 0, 2, 3, and 3 on the numeric keypad, and release. If you're working on a laptop without a separate keypad, you'll have to hold the Fn key as well with the Alt key. This same trick works with any obscure letter or symbol that you don't see on a keyboard. As long as you know the "alt code", you can type the letter or symbol using the same method. (0201 gives you the uppercase letter.)

If you're working with Word, you don't have to do it this way - there's an even easier way. You press Ctrl+' (apostrophe), then type the letter "e" immediately afterwards. If you're on a Mac, the general procedure is similar to Word, but you use Option+E, then type the letter "e". If you're working with HTML code, you don't type it physically; you use the entity é which the browser will render as the "é".

French keyboards have it easy - they have a key for the "é" since the French use it so often. But then again, not all of us are French or possess a French keyboard. And in the age of smartphones today, all of them have a myriad of software keyboards that work in different manners regarding typing special characters; I encourage exploration for this one.

This may be such a small thing, but if you want to properly type the word "Pokémon", this is how you do it. It's something that I have memorized for this purpose.

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