Saturday, September 16, 2017

Pokémon Suits in Cosplay?

All of my cosplay costumes (and in particular, my Pokémon costumes) so far have been of human characters: that of Ash and Red. However, Pokémon is more than just human characters, for the word "Pokémon" itself refers to the creatures that make up a good portion of this world. And like the human counterparts of this world, these characters can be cosplayed as well. One way this could be realized is using a suit of some kind that when worn or put on resembles the common appearance of the Pokémon. It's an intriguing project to realize, and now I may have the rationale.

Two nights ago, I had a Pokémon dream again, but this time the dream was more realistic in nature as it was about cosplay. In the dream, I was to cosplay in an Alakazam suit... or at least the upper portion of it, as in the dream it appeared that the suit came in two parts, the upper part of which appeared to be my responsibility. It seemed that I and my partner, who had the lower portion of the suit, missed each other somehow while looking for each other. The dream ended and I woke up before the two of us could see each other and put together our two parts. It would have been nice to follow the dream further as it unfolded, and it was this that spurred the creation of this post.

The suit in the dream was an armor suit, which among my fellows is typically made with foam. Considering the dream, though, perhaps two parts for two people are a bit much, and this may be doable by even myself. In the event from last Sunday that I went to, I saw two cosplayers with two oversize armor suits that each person wore by themselves. The Alakazam suit could be created in this fashion, though this would be an undertaking I'm wholly and completely unprepared for. On the other hand, I could try to create a fabric suit, mimicking the approach that a cosplayer friend from a couple of years ago utilized, and which I directly witnessed. The effect might not be as awesome, but it may just be more doable. I would need to consider my options more thoroughly in regard to the Pokémon to be cosplayed.

The dream I had two nights ago is a bit foretelling: perhaps it's high time that I cosplayed a Pokémon instead of just the human characters. After all, they are the namesake of this series and franchise, so they are also well worth to cosplay as. A suit of armor - as in my dream - or fabric is a good way to realize this. Yet as much as I want to pursue the Alakazam cosplay I saw in my dream, perhaps it's also worthwhile to pursue other Pokémon to be cosplayed. And in relation to my cosplay tendencies, I may just have the answer.

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