Thursday, September 28, 2017

To Teach and To Delight

In my duties today, I was reminded of a particular observation. It has been said that the prime objective of someone who writes can be encapsulated in a Latin expression: "docere et delectare", which means "to teach and to delight", the exact title of this post. I write a blog about Pokémon things, so I'm not excepted. Whatever I write should be able to do either on their own or both collectively, fulfilling the objective in some way. As it turns out, this objective can be considered to go beyond writing and even to the thing that I write about, Pokémon. It's an elegant way to think about the objective, as much as the objective itself is elegant.

In a way, I am indeed teaching with some of the posts on this blog. Posts like the details on Enhancements and Competitive Stages in Pokémon Shuffle are designed to inform how things are, yet they are also indirectly "educative" to players who wish to take advantage of them. Content like these are akin to something on an online game guide or a strategy guide; I don't have enough patience to write up a complete guide of my own, but at least I can write up about specific elements of the game and how I deal with them. But then again, who knows. It has also been said that little bits add up to a lot, and if I start to write up a lot of these little bits, I might as well eventually gather them up as a guide, especially if there is a demand for it. Thus interred, that process of guiding is very much like teaching.

At the same time, I am indeed having fun, and this fulfills the function of delighting. I enjoy playing, watching, and doing things with Pokémon, but I especially enjoy being able to share that experience. That is why I discuss things like game progress, episode content, odd things I find, and even what I imagine so that others may do the same. No person can stand to enjoy everything - and even I can't - but by the same token, I try to present something that others may not be able to enjoy so that my and others' fun experiences complement each other. By accomplishing this, it becomes the essence of my efforts to delight with Pokémon by way of writing.

Meanwhile, in the world of Pokémon, no people quite like Trainers do the job of teaching and delighting better. Some Trainers are full-fledged teachers, and even if they aren't, they can still teach others how to battle better by their experience. And of course, every battle is a delight in and of itself, no matter who comes out on top in the end; there's something about exchanging moves and techniques that is enigmatically fun to do and experience. They may or may not write about their experiences, but what they do in battle can and does invoke the same objective.

Teaching and delighting are noble objectives, especially when accomplished through the power of written words. That being so, this blog serves to do the same, with the incorporation of Pokémon, which itself can be considered to facilitate the objective. To like something and to show that I like that something through writing is pleasing, but it is even more pleasing to know I can accomplish something as noble as these objectives. Pokémon is what I like, so I'm pleased if I could teach a few things and delight with others about it. I hope that you may find those qualities within my posts.

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