Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Journeys and Adventures

- Where have you been?
- Everywhere.
(moments pass)
So where are we going?
- Everywhere else!

There is an adventure game that never got off the ground that featured this specific interaction. The setting of the interaction was someone who was late to meet two people because the person was "everywhere", but then they all decide to venture to "everywhere else". It implies that the world is a big place, but then there is always something to explore. I like to think that this applies as well to the Pokémon world, especially in the journey of a Pokémon Trainer.

It has been said that beyond the confines of buildings and towns, there is a vast amount of land to explore and seas to approach, and to go through them would be a wonderful thing. Many travel writers and visual reporters of this world have done just that, showing different facets of this world that we may not be aware of. Their stories make up the possible journeys and adventures of this world, and there is always the hope that others may take up these journeys and adventures.

A Pokémon Trainer can be said to do pretty much the same, except that maybe their journeys and adventures are less publicized, save by word-of-mouth or the occasional media appearance. It is still inspirational nevertheless for those who are strong-willed in taking part in them, like Ash. It's something amazing to be able to go places like these people, and then just when "everywhere" seems to have been explored, "everywhere else" opens up for exploration, and the process starts all over again.

I like that. And I like how all this can tie into Pokémon too.

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