Friday, November 3, 2017

Late-Night Lure Party

Late last night, I was looking to expend a little of my cell phone's power so that I could charge it up in the morning to prepare for my day's activities. Playing a little Pokémon Go was perfect for that, and especially so last night during the final moments of the Halloween event. When I opened the game, I was surprised to see that someone had set Lure Modules on three closely distanced Poké Stops near my home. I decided to head to that place in hopes of seeing more Pokémon in one place and meeting the person who set the Lure. It turns out, both of these hopes were answered.

At the location, I met the person, though I didn't recognize him immediately because I couldn't tell if he was playing Go or not. It was only when I greeted that I realized he was playing Go. So we set ourselves up for a little late-night Lure party. We had quite a fruitful discussion on what's been going on in the world of Go, and through the interaction we also prepared ourselves for later connections and interactions. But the best part was that I was able to close up what I can muster from the Halloween event with a bang, by catching none other than the Spooky Pikachu. It was a great end to the night about to turn into day, and a good end to the event overall.

An experience like this shows off a unique side of Pokémon Go: because it practically requires going out into the world, playing the game at night becomes something of a wonder. All the usual precautions and warnings apply to playing at night, yet also with an increased sensibility of safety. You never know what might happen at night; I certainly didn't in the experience above, so I knew I had to keep my guard up. Fortunately, it bode well and became a good one. Safety is first and foremost, whether playing Go in the daytime or at night.

Also, this is actually not my first time playing Go so late. The first time I played, I actually started in the dead of night, since it was then that I managed to get the game set up. I then went out, chose my starter, and briefly encountered a person playing, though everything was not as glamorous as last night, nor did it involve Lure Modules. Yet even so, the experience playing Go at night is one that is irresistible and too significantly unique to pass up. I might just do it again in the coming times, certainly with the inclusion of Lure Modules for another edition of the Late-Night Lure Party.

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