Monday, November 20, 2017

On Cosplay Props and Prop Makers

Props or equipment are essential for cosplay of certain characters. In the case of my Pokémon cosplay, I've already detailed two of them that I need. However, sometimes I need to have a certain prop or equipment than my usual needs; with my Ash SM debut the other day, I needed to have such a prop or equipment, and that was the Z-Ring. For that, I asked a good cosplayer friend of mine who is also a good cosplay prop maker to make the Z-Ring. It's something that I appreciate, yet it goes with a few things.

Now, cosplay prop makers are often, but not always, cosplayers that have lent their services in making props and equipment for fellow cosplayers. They are often very experienced in creating props and equipment themselves that this practically comes as second nature for them. They know what materials to use, where to get them, and how to assemble them in a good way to create the requested props or equipment. If they're good, the result isn't too shabby, as with my Z-Ring; if they're excellent, the results can be even better. This automatically means different prices as well for their services, but that's understandable.

Of course, I can't exactly peruse their services for super-competitive (or high-level) cosplay competitions, but I'm not really cut out for competitions at that level anyway, so I'm not worried. In any case, they've willingly (and those with proven track records, at least legitimately) offered their services to make cosplay props, and they deserve to be perused and supported. They in most cases have the materials, knowledge, and craft to make the props, not to mention space and time, and these are things I don't often have in great quantities and/or all at once. I'll throw support for them in those high-level competitions, and I'll offer them to make props I actually need, in an effort to support their efforts.

For as long as there are cosplayers, props will surely be needed for certain costumes of theirs, and for cosplayers who are often occupied, cosplay prop makers may provide the help that they need. As long as they are supported and respected (and are themselves credible), it seems reasonable enough to ask for their assistance, much as those who can't sew can ask a tailor to help. In the future, I may just ask my friend again for aid on a certain Pokémon prop for my cosplay so that both of us may maintain the respect we appreciate and receive for our cosplay efforts.

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