Thursday, November 23, 2017


Today in the U.S. is what is known as Thanksgiving Day. It has origins as a harvest celebration, but it has become more or less a secular holiday that is celebrated in different ways. In Japan, notably, it becomes celebrated as a day to thank hard work and one another. I won't disagree with this interpretation, and I'll consider it as my prime interpretation. Of course, for me, I owe a big thanks to the harvest, hard work, and happiness bringer (for people alike) that is Pokémon.

While Pokémon was conceived thanks to the ideas of a single person, it always has been (and always will be) realized by a team of people. It is their collective effort that leads to the impressively immersive games as they are. Thus it is befitting to call the games as a "harvest" of sorts because they are the results of work put in by those people, and certainly a good portion of that work is hard work. This then further results in happiness that links all of us together. All of this is worthy of thanks, especially on a special day like this.

But of course, I have to thank Pokémon in other ways. Many things that make me what I am today are related to Pokémon. I've made friendships because of Pokémon, by playing the games or enjoying its varied media forms. I've taken Pokémon inspiration and made it into different things or works. I also took interest in other things such as cosplay because of Pokémon. It can even be said that I've kept on living because of Pokémon. Pokémon is so pervasive in many parts of my life that it's hard not to show great appreciation for it. For that, I have Pokémon to thank.

On this special day, there is traditionally a harvest to thank, as the original inception for the day. In modern times, that universally extends to people and the efforts that they make in life. All these are worthy to be appreciated and therefore thanked. And yet, Pokémon can also apply as and in all three areas, and so in a way, it is also worthy of thanks, especially in my personal case, where Pokémon is present all around. It goes without saying, then, that on this special day, I am deeply thankful for the existence and presence of Pokémon.

By the way, the Japanese celebrate their Thanksgiving on November 23... hold on, that's today! What a nice coincidence for this year's celebration, and what a nice blending of worlds for this Pokémon fan. Happy Thanksgiving.

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