Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Too Much Information, Too Much Excitement?

One of my Pokémon groups is suddenly abuzz with "excitement". It's no wonder, because there are now only days to go before Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is unleashed upon the wider world. However, it seems it might be the kind of excitement that is not necessarily warranted, as quite a bit of the excitement concerns inside information for the games - actual and deep inside information, and a lot of it, which has suddenly come to light. This leads me to wonder that it all might be a bit too much.

I'm all for good excitement for a game, and even more so if it's a Pokémon game. I've been following (though admittedly not too very closely) the games ever since they were first announced, and I can say that I'm sufficiently excited based on what has been divulged prior to this. All those details have been intriguing enough that I have not regretted pre-ordering and start playing early on when I get the game. In other words, all the excitement that was generated before now has been of what I feel is an appropriate amount.

So with all this new information, I'm not only concerned about prior excitement dwindling because of it, but also massively increased excitement that then crashes with the onset of the games. Either of these is not good, before or after playing the games. The intrigue is lost in both cases and the game seems normal afterwards. As a really big fan, I'll admit that it's great to know a lot about the games, but much of that information also seems to be on a need-to-know basis, which means not everything and not at once, and only when it is pertinent. The great quantity of information that has just been made available appears counterproductive in that regard.

Good excitement is good, and lots of moderated excitement is great. It's when it's too much and fueled by too much knowledge that it's just... too much. I'm still enthusiastically excited for Ultra Moon, the game that I'm getting of the pair, but I'm also wary about this mass divulging of the games' secrets before the time is right. I can only hope that my fellow Pokémon colleagues can maintain the same level of excitement that I have, and that we can let things roll when the games roll out.

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