Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Uptake

As I've said in my release day post for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, with the release of the games, it becomes a great time. There are, of course, some snags as the games make my way to me and my fellows, but once they are resolved, it will become an even greater time, which is augmented as the people also start to play the games. That is what appears to be happening as I write this.

I've mentioned that the distribution of the game for us is delayed, but that is slowly becoming resolved. Some of my fellows have started to receive the games, which is a good thing. Within two to three days after the official release of the games, my fellow players who are closer to each other than they are to me finally were able to pick up their pre-ordered games or had the games sent to them. The ones who are actually closer to me as well as I myself have not been able to get the games, but this should change soon enough. Hopefully once we all get the games, we should be able to get rolling.

As for how quickly we'll get rolling, that depends. A couple of my fellows have rushed through the game so they can tinker with possible VGC 2018 teams, and that's understandable. A few others have stated that they're in no rush and that they'll take their time to enjoy the story as they play the games. It seems I may fit into the latter camp rather than the former, based on how I proceed through Sun, but depending on how things go, I might just try to make as much progress as possible. It might just become ready for a tournament.

In the meantime, to celebrate the coming of the games, some of my fellows are holding a late launch party set for this Saturday. Sadly, I can't join because it's mostly for my fellows that are closer among themselves, and it's just too far away. Even by then, I am not sure I will be able to obtain the Ultra Moon game I pre-ordered. The celebration is still welcome, so I may take to celebrate remotely in my own fashion.

The uptake of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is slowly but surely increasing, and the same goes for the excitement, so it seems. With fewer snags remaining to hold back from the game, all that's left is to enjoy the games as soon as they are in possession. At that point, that will indeed be an even greater time with the games, one that I'm happy to contribute towards.

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