Friday, February 2, 2018

Pictures Worth Thousands of Words

An old saying states that "a picture is worth a thousand words". It means that a picture expresses many things that words alone can't sufficiently express. The same is true of pictures from Pokémon, in particular those that directly come from the anime. They say a great deal of things, even for those who rarely or almost never watch the anime. For someone who really loves the anime, such as me, they become something of a great value.

I love to collect many pictures from the Pokémon anime. In the past, I had connections with someone that would furnish me with pictures - especially ones of a requested nature - but I've lost contact and haven't been back in some time to request pictures; by this time I'm not even sure if the person is still furnishing pictures. I'd love to get back and have a source for pictures from the Pokémon anime, but image searches are still sufficient for now, even if they're not as comprehensive or sufficient.

Collecting pictures also serves another purpose, and that is the purpose of reference. They're obviously useful for my cosplay efforts in all stages, and I've discovered time and again. On a more artistic note, they're also useful to be remixed into a variety of artistic pieces, including a wallpaper that I shared nearly six months ago; having more images increases flexibility for the remixing to occur. And then, they can also be posted in other places on the Internet - not to mention this blog - to illustrate and clarify things, as in my episode write-ups.

I should note that the pictures that I post along with my episode write-ups on this blog came from a different source, but one that I treasure just as much as my earlier connections. Out of respect, I've kept them limited and at a low resolution - they're just there to illustrate the points I need to present. This is of course where the principle comes in, because words are good, but pictures are even more helpful and can explain where my words fall short, at the least in a sufficient manner.

Whatever the case, pictures say a lot of things. Pokémon is to a large part made up of pictures, and this is no more true than in the anime. Each and every one of its scenes say things and hold much information for those who like it a little or a whole lot; it's a lot of information and things that make up thousands and thousand of words - perhaps amounting to a book. In light of the Pokémon anime, then, that saying could be amended: a picture is worth a thousand words, and a myriad of them make up a tome.

One year ago: Pokkén Sentiments

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