Thursday, February 2, 2017

Pokkén Sentiments

Pokémon is originally an RPG with battle elements. Tekken is a full-on fighting game. Combine the two, and you've got Pokkén (Tournament), a fighting game that utilizes Pokémon as the fighters. It is amazing and spectacular that such a crossover could occur, and Bandai Namco plus Nintendo think so too, enough to realize it as both an arcade game and a console installment on the Wii U.

Fighting games rank low on my gaming priorities; no matter what the game is, I can't seem to master it well enough and quick enough as I would like to, so I tend not to play them. But Pokkén is decidedly different, and the virtue of its Pokémon feature alone is enough to make me interested to play this game, even though I know that I may not completely master it. It is in effect the only fighting game I'm interested to play extensively in an attempt to master at least some of its mechanics.

I've never seen the arcade version and I'm likely not able to play it anytime soon, so the arcade version is of least concern to me. But the Wii U version is intriguing, as through the right hands, I can get my hands on it and play; still, it would require extra investment that I'm not yet prepared for (read: I don't have a Wii U). Fortunately, the local gaming community does own a Wii U and does in fact own Pokkén, and as a matter of fact, I had the chance to play a little bit of the game when they showcased it at a Japanese event some time ago. Like any console/game borrowings, though, I don't know how often they'll let me play and go through my own progress, and therein lies the problem.

At least with Pokkén existing as an arcade game, I can take away the fact that Bandai Namco created BanaPassports (their arcade game ID cards) with Pokkén designs. BanaPassports are actually pertinent to some of my current activities. Even so, I'm told that these designs were produced in limited quantities, so to obtain one legitimately now would take lots effort and money, so it's something else I'm not interested to pursue. The designs are pretty to look at, though, and I don't mind that it should remain that way.

Like Pokémon as a whole, Pokkén has aroused my wonder and amazement. Despite limitations of access and skill, it's a game that I would enjoy as much as any other in the Pokémon franchise.

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