Sunday, February 5, 2017

Itasha Revisited

I have explained before my dreams and desires to make a Pokémon itasha, and what it takes to make this happen. While I'm still lacking the resources to make this happen for myself, recently I've discovered some inspiration for the design of the itasha which someday I would like to apply.

In the past few days, I've noticed that a motorcycle with Pikachu and the Pokémon logo has popped up around where I live, yet it's not a full itasha, as the images are only on the gas tank and not applied liberally all over the motorcycle. Regardless, the design is simple, as the images are on a monochrome background of mostly black, and the rest of the motorcycle is also black. Were I to make this a full itasha, I would choose to continue the background all over the rest of the motorcycle and dot it with more small images of Pikachu. This also accomplishes one of my design guidelines I previously outlined for a Pikachu itasha, which is not to use the Pikachu yellow color liberally (except of course for Pikachu itself). Certainly I would have to adapt the design to the vehicle I would eventually have.

While on the subject of motorcycles, there is one way I could further enhance a Pokémon/Pikachu itasha, in particular the implementation above, and that is by installing a decorative seat cover with the image of Pikachu on it. I've seen these decorative seat covers at shops that specialize in putting them, but the only problem is that the ones I've seen also have the Go emblem. Then again this is probably not too much of a problem because I have other Pokémon things with the Go emblem, and it can be overlooked.

Also regarding motorcycles, in Indonesia the roads are full of them. It is no surprise, therefore, that in Japanese events that I've visited where the local itasha community is featured, motorcycles are the most prominent and numerous vehicles on display. If space is available, there might be a car or two, but on the whole the motorcycles take center stage. At some time in the future, I may own a car rather than a motorcycle, however; even so, I'm still interested in applying itasha to whatever vehicle I do get.

Itasha at this point is still up in the air due to the questions of vehicles and design. Yet there is nothing that stops me from getting the inspirations to make this happen, especially in relation to Pokémon. There is still much to see on the road ahead.

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