Friday, April 27, 2018

Groups and Sub-Groups

Recently, I was asked by someone in my raid group if I wanted to join a sub-group for organizing and informing about raids in a smaller vicinity of my locale. I was willing, so I said "yes" and joined. And today, I had just joined them for the first time in a raid. It seems that this sub-group may just be beneficial after all, and it makes me think of the organization of Pokémon-related groups as well as how I've organized myself in them.

Recall that from a post about friends, I'm involved in both a local group and a national group of main series players. Both are somewhat useful for keeping up with others and Pokémon in general, as well as organizing bouts for practice or otherwise. It is also probably for that reason that the latter recently just expanded its communication channels, so that more people can get in and do the same. The scale of the two groups are different, but they may be considered equally as important if the goal is to seek as many people as possible to battle with, which may be crucial for VGC as well. These are surely groups I want to maintain connections to.

The story is different for other Pokémon matters, including Go. Go seems to benefit more from localized groups since it really is all about the world around players and the connections that form among them. I can already attest this with my local raid group and sub-group; many of the things we do can hardly be achieved with an all-inclusive national group. As for particularized things like Pokémon collectibles, a national group may suffice since the interest is individual, wherein it may still be helpful to connect and discuss about them. Thus these Pokémon interests demand specific groups on specific scales.

No matter the Pokémon things in question, groups are still apparently important. They facilitate communication, as people are social beings, for Pokémon and everything else. Scale, too, is a major determinant for interactions, whether they are demanded to be as broad or as specific as needed. With those considerations, I'd say I appreciate the chances that I have been given on joining Pokémon groups and will try to maintain them for the longest possible time, even for as long as I am a Pokémon fan, which will likely be for a long, long time.

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