Thursday, April 12, 2018

Wallpaper: Pokémon 20th Anniversary

Back when the 20th anniversary of Pokémon came around two years ago, this blog wasn't around. It was regardless a festive time then because Pokémon was finally two decades old, something I had been eagerly expecting. Now I want to flash back to that time with a little creation that I made to commemorate that occasion, which is a desktop wallpaper. I don't foresee using it again, at least not for some time, so this is a good time as any to share about it.

This wallpaper actually uses an old concept of mine, which is to put the international Pokémon logo in the middle in all its grandeur, with an accompanying background of some kind. This was done to place emphasis on the logo, and therefore Pokémon as well. The text simply becomes special embellishment for the occasion. To further tie the wallpaper into the occasion, I also added the 20th anniversary mosaic image; if you think the bits in the background look similar to the mosaic image, that's because they are - the background tile is a pattern edited to include the mosaic image, or at least its blended form.

Because of the presence of the anniversary mosaic, I was also able to "invert" the concept and create a second version, where the mosaic became the prime emphasis instead. This is the first time I was able to make two versions of a wallpaper with the exact overall theme and colors, but with some conceptual rearrangement.

The two versions are particularly evident in their contrast if both are placed in rotation. Modern OSes should have a tool of some sort that enables cycling of wallpapers, and I used one of those tools to set the two wallpapers in rotation. Oh, and about the text up on top? If you've read the first post of my blog, it's the same exact text as the one near the end of the post, and it may have some connections to a certain book project. So this too has been a proposed concept for some time.

The 20th anniversary of Pokémon was particularly delightful, and to me, so are these wallpapers. They are then doubly delightful in that regard. As for more recent times, I'm eagerly expecting the next great wallpaper concept that not only speaks to excellent design but also my attraction to Pokémon. Perhaps it won't be long now.

One year ago: Pokémon Couriers?

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