Friday, December 29, 2017

In Lieu of a Book

There is actually another reason or issue that contributed to the inception of this blog, besides the journals that I detailed in the previous post. It has to do with writing and things that result from it, of which one of them would be books. With my knowledge of languages and the principles behind them, I feel that one of the ways I could make effective use of this is to become a wordsmith (that is, a writer), and combined with my attraction to Pokémon, I would be able to contribute to something that I like, while doing something that I like.

A book is certainly a natural progression for any aspiring writer. In my case, I can take my Pokémon experiences, express them with words, and encapsulate them as something that people can read and then enjoy. I'm obviously not alone in this, as there are many writers in connection to Pokémon, but at least based on my experiences, I want to bring something different and unique to the table, and when possible, personal as well. It would be a different approach than most Pokémon books out there.

So why did I take a different turn with this blog? Circumstances seem to have changed, and it has been indicated that I need to "start small" somehow. In any case, "starting small" is a respectable effort for certain things, and it could be said to apply to Pokémon as well. Thus this blog is in a way a "stopgap measure" for the book effort. My ultimate goal is still for a book to be written and published, and that would be a wonderful thing indeed, not just for myself, but for my fellow Pokémon fans.

Speaking of Pokémon fans, while I also aim to please them with a book, there is no harm - and it would be a good thing - to try to please as many readers as possible, including some that aren't technically fans. To make them see my inspiration, and then perhaps to take that in and become fans themselves. It might be a little abstract, but if my Pokémon writing can reach as many people as possible, that would bring me satisfaction to no end as a Pokémon fan.

Writing may be a challenge, as I discovered some time ago. And sometimes, Pokémon can be a challenge too. Yet both of these are something that I like, as the results in many cases are truly appreciable. To join them together, then, is an inevitability for me, and to join them in a book would be the next natural step. Until that happens, this blog will have to serve as the "foundation" to that "bridge". I'm still proud to be a Pokémon fan with great writing abilities under my belt.

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