Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Will You Be There?

In our darkest hour, in my deepest despair,
Will you still care? Will you be there?
In my trials and my tribulations
Through our doubts and frustrations
In my violence, in my turbulence
Through my fear and my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
I’ll never let you part, for you're always in my heart.
-- "Will You Be There", Michael Jackson

After the effort I took yesterday to watch the 20th Pokémon movie yet again, I was suddenly reminded of the spoken verse at the very end of this song. With the scenes of the movie still fresh in my mind, I thought that the spoken verse, as well as this song, perfectly encapsulates the feelings of Ash and Pikachu for each other. It's a personal thing, but it's one that I feel makes so much sense, given what happens in this movie.

There is a match among many of the Ash-Pikachu moments in the movie to the situations described in the spoken verse, among them the "darkest hour" of the struggle near the end and the "deepest despair" of the conflict in the middle of the movie, the latter of which also involves the rainbow feather. It may be true that some interpretation may be needed to connect the moments to the situations, but on the whole the movie appears like an affirmation for the situations listed in relation to the Ash-Pikachu relationship.

I'm inspired by this connection further to express my creativity, to string together the relevant moments and set this to the spoken verse part. It's neither an easy task nor is it a day project; if it were, I would have it prepared for this post, and I don't. Provided the resources and ample time for devotion, it still would be an interesting project to take up. In effect this post serves as a conjecture, initiative, and incentive for this project. Whether it will be realized soon (enough) is another matter.

What is real now is that this movie portrays a strong sense of the relationship between Ash and Pikachu. It is one that is describable in many ways, including yet another song I also recently discussed in connection to the movie. Words don't seem to be enough, and that is why I encourage seeing the movie. As for this song and this movie, given the title as a question and what transpired in the movie, the answer would be a resounding "yes".

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