Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Rainbow Feather of Ho-Oh

OK, I'll admit it - I'm absolutely enamored with the 20th Pokémon movie, so much so that I'd watch it again and again if I could. That is in fact what I did today, although not with friends as I had hoped earlier - at least not ones that I know. This time, it got me thinking about the rainbow feather that Ho-Oh dropped, which becomes an important device as well as symbolism in the movie. So important this device and symbolism is, that it's something I highly appreciate.

As I've mentioned in an earlier post directed to a friend of mine and concerned how I felt, the feather is an enigmatic one. It is pure and colorful for those with good hearts and tainted and gray for those with bad hearts. This implies that by maintaining a good heart, those with the feather can maintain its color, while those with a bad heart will cause the feather to lose color - a fact plainly demonstrated in the movie. This is such a powerful allegory of good and evil that I find fascinating.

Along with signifying good and evil, the feather also signifies a magnificent power. It is one that can bring forth destructive abilities, or summon the greatest challenge there is. Likewise, this is demonstrated over the course of the events in the movie. It's a perfect reminder that anything can be misused or used wisely depending on the intents. This is something that doesn't take a brightly colored feather to see in the real world nowadays, but the reminder surely helps.

Come to think of it, as a personal feature, the feather need not be physical nor be limited to certain people. The feather is innately present within all of us and acts the same way, figuratively speaking. So on the off-chance that some action can potentially "change the feather" for the worse, then it's probably a cue to step back and reconsider. The key is to remain aware of its presence.

Not only is the movie a blast to watch, its story is also fully loaded with meaning. And some of it can be found in occurrences and things such as this feather. It is a truly powerful symbol for the characters in the movie and those who watch, like me. I'm tempted to recreate this feather to keep its ideological standing alive, but that's another matter. Right now I can do the same by keeping this movie on my "watch again" list.

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