Thursday, November 30, 2017

Feature Film 20 - "Pokémon The Movie - I Choose You!"

...which brings me to the point of all of this. Yesterday was this feature film's official premiere in theaters in Indonesia, where it is shown with the subtitle of "Aku Memilihmu!" (which does mean "I Choose You!", again, literally translated from Japanese). I just had the chance to view the movie, and I can say that it is amazing. Bar none.

From the movie's poster, this movie appears to be a rehash of Ash's initial adventures, for those who have been with the anime long enough. And it is, to some extent. But it is also a unique journey that is so deep and so wonderful that it is truly a special one. Without going into too much detail, I can say that the movie involves the quest of Ash (and two other characters) as they discover all the things that are meaningful in their Pokémon lives, intertwined of course with the legend of Ho-Oh, the Legendary Pokémon that is also featured on the poster and marks the beginning of Ash's journey and adventure.

As well, this journey and adventure is about Pikachu, as Ash's ever-faithful companion. It obviously entails their first experiences, as well their experiences on this quest. And as can be attested by the particularity of the movie I discussed in the previous post, it's a close one. Real close. It's almost reminiscent of a certain other Pokémon movie, but that's starting to go into it a little too deep. Trust me: it's close, and perhaps closer than it's ever been.

There are so many profound moments in the movie that I cannot even begin to describe them all (with maybe the exception of that previous one), and I won't. What I can say is that as much as they are profound moments for the characters, they are also profound moments for myself. They've made me realize how much I really, really love Pokémon since nearly two decades ago, and it makes me pleased and delighted, almost to no end. For that, now my creative juices have begun to flow for ways to honor this.

As I've said, this movie is one to watch for any Pokémon fan. It's the 20th, so it has to be very special, which it is. But don't take my word for it - just go see it for yourself. I promise, it'll be great.

Oh, and I've said that I use it for episodes, but it can also be used for the feature films too. So... Three-line summary:
This is the story of a journey
of a boy and his companion
on their path to greatness.

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