Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Watching and Re-Watching

As a Pokémon fan, there is nothing I love more to watch - when I'm not in need of watching something else - than the Pokémon anime. This applies to its episodes as well as the movie (feature films), the latter when I have sufficient time to do so. Something else that I like to do is to re-watch past episodes and movies, sometimes over and over, also when I have sufficient time and given the chance. And I say, it's totally fine to do that.

All other concerns aside, it might seem nonsensical to watch something that has already been watched, let alone again and again. Why watch something for which the story is already known and that the progression (of the plot) is predictable? Why watch something from the past, when something more recent is present? And why go through the trouble and take the time? These are the questions I have received when critiqued over something I've watched previously, including Pokémon.

For the first question, the answer is because I enjoy it. I'm fully aware of what's going on, but I don't mind; I do it to relive the entertainment, however it was when I first got entertained by it, and I never think it's really lost. As a preface to the answer for the second question, I'm not a "genwunner", and I never will be. I just like the nostalgia that the opportunity affords, which is a unique opportunity in itself. That allows room for appreciation of Pokémon things of the present. Lastly, doing this just affirms that I still have attachment to Pokémon, no matter how much things change. In all, doing this is for the better part of my Pokémon interests.

I enjoy Pokémon a lot, and in particular enjoy watching the anime. Strewn around its 1000+ episodes and a number of movies are many great moments. They're all in my view worthy of being watched again, which is what I do from time to time. So long as I have the time and chance, I don't mind, and it's only appropriate. It only contributes further to my interest in this great series.

(Speaking of which, I haven't gotten around to watching the latest Pokémon movie again. It would perhaps be interesting to do so with a few other companions. I may have to see what I can do about this.)

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