Saturday, December 23, 2017


Recently, there was an occurrence that spurred strong reactions among those who felt a sense of relation to it. One person who was close to someone that could relate to the occurrence was able to analyze the occurrence through a different perception, and that person was able to conclude that through the perspective of those related to it, the occurrence has significance, just as similar occurrences are significant for others. Extending this generally to things that people like, such as Pokémon for my and my fellows' particular case, it can be construed that they too are significant in their perspective, for those who do like them. While the significance may be different for different people, it is still significant nonetheless within that perspective.

There are certainly those for whom the significance is great, like me. For me, this does not need to be questioned - it is a significance for all things Pokémon. It is in part why I started this blog, in the effort to share my Pokémon experiences so that others may enjoy them too. Still, for some of my Pokémon colleagues and friends, the significance may be valued differently. I know quite a few colleagues for whom the significance is greatest at simply being able to battle competitively, and then perhaps to share just that experience. Likewise, some of my friends like the Go experience and want to continue that to a great extent, and that is laudable. They are all still meaningful as part of their perspective of liking Pokémon.

As long as their significance is appreciable and positive, it still contributes to their perspective, no matter how small. One of my friends may or may not have played the Pokémon games, yet that friend of mine shows quite an interest in the Pokémon anime, perhaps just like mine. What is clear is that for my friend, the Pokémon anime is significant and remains so, though the games are less of a factor. Another one plays the games, though not competitively, and appears to enjoy certain portions of the anime; in this, there is at least some significance even in just those elements. The point is that there is still a liking in their perspectives, even if the significance is limited or not as great in value.

It becomes clear that however much we like certain things - in this case Pokémon - we carry significance in our perspectives. It just needs to be kept in mind that the significance may be different for different people, but it needs to be appreciated and positively supported regardless and no matter what happens. It is our perspectives, and the significance contained within, that lead us to act and react the way we do to the things we like, including even Pokémon.

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