Thursday, December 28, 2017

From Journal to Blog

It's almost the end of the year, and I wish to touch on a few more issues that are as relevant to my Pokémon experiences as they are to this blog. I've mentioned in the three-line summaries post that I used to keep a journal; actually, it was a series of journals on an annual basis, much like a diary, though I prefer the term "journal" for the reason that it seems more formal. This blog is in part effectively a spiritual successor to those journals, only certainly with a deepened focus on Pokémon.

Even so, I did keep track of many Pokémon things in those journals. Aside from the obvious summaries, I kept track of things such as my progress through the games (with the added stipulation of completing them in less than 100 hours) including the teams I used, as well as Pokémon merchandise I obtained. They became helpful guides and reminders for me... and pretty much only me. There was never a real effort in making those tidbits available for others to see and possibly interact with, and there was never any real means to do so, until most recently.

In the past, I had made an effort to establish a presence with a blog, but it was isolated and lacked focus, and it never "got off the ground" as a result. All the while, I still continued to pursue Pokémon interests, which might have made some blogging fodder way back when, but it was never within full consideration. With the way things have gone, it is only right that I maintain a focus on Pokémon, and thus this blog was conceived - after nearly a year, I still feel that this is the right thing.

This blog in a way represents an "opening up", or a way to present myself to you, with the help of something that is close to me. After having kept a series of journals over several years, this blog only becomes a natural step to take. It is as much my Pokémon experience as the experiences I have with Pokémon in all its various media. To keep track of them personally for my benefit is a good thing; to keep track of them and then to be able to share them with others would surely be even more beneficial.

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