Sunday, July 22, 2018

A Gathering of Figure Collectors

I'm always in the search for new Pokémon experiences, and I just had one of those today. I came to a gathering of Pokémon figure collectors in their area. After having seen the promotion for the gathering, I had debated on whether or not I should come, and at the last minute, I decided to come for primarily the reason above. It's a good thing, because it became a pleasant surprise for them. One person in particular had been expecting me to come and meet again after we had met at a theme event last year, so it was just the perfect time.

Nine people came to the gathering, including me. The gathering took place in a quaint meeting place with a mini artificial lawn in the middle of the city, which is neat because it provides an opportunity for all of us to display figures attractively. Since this was a figure meeting, I was prompted to bring something of my own, and I chose to bring Pikachu from the movie mini-figure set, as it was the only one I can conveniently bring without bringing too much. Everyone else brought in a few things from their impressive collection, which becomes more impressive all together.

All the figures lined up.

The gathering revolved not only around Pokémon figures, but everything about Pokémon as well. We discussed the games slightly, including Go, and we also talked about the anime, which is not only a source of entertainment, but also some of our beloved figures. As well, games were also held in order to test our Pokémon knowledge. One of the games was charades to guess the names of Pokémon based on acting; I was surprised to get a few right. Another was picture chains, to guess the names of Pokémon based on what others drew. For that one, I was hit or miss when it came to drawing or guessing. All the games were a riot and revealed how much we enjoyed Pokémon.

Dolls were also guests to the figures.

At the end of the day, there was also a giveaway of certain Pokémon figures. There were eight figures up for grabs, and we decided who got what with a lottery. I was fortunate to get one of the figures, though I did ended up trading with someone who didn't want theirs, and because I wasn't fond of mine as well. I was lucky that my scheduled time to leave was delayed by a few hours, for if it weren't, I wouldn't have been able to participate in the giveaway. It's one thing I'm thankful about for participating in this gathering.

Stuff for the giveaway.

With this gathering, I didn't only meet collectors of Pokémon figures. I also met a bunch of Pokémon fans, some of whom have been with the franchise for as long as I have. That's quite significant; it means that Pokémon has touched the lives of many people, not just mine. Even if they don't play the games to the fullest extent, or even if sometimes the anime seems a bit out of touch, at least they enjoy it because it's Pokémon. I'm inclined to do so as well and I enjoy being in the company of such people.

The ones who gathered. (I'm first from left.)

Overall, this gathering was simply amazing. Due to its far distance, necessitating me to take time out of my day and week, I may or may not be able to attend the subsequent ones. If it so happens that I can do so, then I most likely will. It still constitutes a Pokémon experience that is novel and out of the ordinary from the ones I usually have.

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