Monday, July 16, 2018

Daily Tasks

Every game has certain things that need to be done in order to succeed. In some games, there are even things that can and should be done on a daily basis as a daily task. Pokémon games have these kinds of thing as well, in particular the more recent mobile(-oriented) members. Since I play these games, I'm inclined to complete them as well so that I can further succeed.

The simplest daily task is for Shuffle, and that is its check-in task. By checking in each day, 500 Coins can be obtained, although every 10 check-ins, this reward is doubled to 1000 Coins. Originally, this task only gave out Coins, but since a big update earlier this year, this task gave out useful items as well. There is a list of 15 items, and each one is stamped as they are received. When all the items have been received, the next check-in clears all the stamps and the items are given out again starting from the first one. It was incredibly useful in the past, and it's even more useful now, which is why I make the effort to check in every single day.

The most complex daily task would be for Go, since this one actually consists of a series of daily tasks. A streak is kept for catching at least one Pokémon each day as well as spinning a PokéStop or Gym; the streaks are kept for seven days, at which point they give out major bonuses and are reset. Since the addition of Research tasks, there is another kind of daily task, which is to claim a single Field Research task every day for seven days in order to be able to catch a special Pokémon (a "Research Breakthrough"). As an implication of this, there is also the practical necessity of spinning a PokéStop to get a Field Research task that can be completed either the same day or a later day to maintain continuity. All these daily tasks stack up on each other, which makes them as complicated as they are convenient.

Though these daily tasks are for the games that explicitly have them, the concept could be considered to extend to other games. Magikarp Jump does not have a daily task per se, but many parts of it "recharge" at least once a day, which makes it necessary to "deplete" them so that they may be available again the next day. For those engrossed in VGC, there may be the necessity to partake in Battle Spot battles each day, if only for the reason to practice and see how a team progresses. These aren't really daily tasks, but they could conceivably be ones for those who play.

For those who like playing Pokémon games, many of the parts are attractive to be played every day. Daily tasks like these make them even more attractive (even, addictive) to be played. They're only a small part of success, but over many days, they can lead to big successes, especially with regular gameplay. At the least, they're incentives to play Pokémon each day, no matter what game is played.

One year ago: Flying Quirks of Charizard

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