Sunday, July 1, 2018

Cosplay: ENNICHISAI 2018 + CLAS:H/ICGP Nationals


Hi guys, it's me, Ash, and after a long break, I've been called back by my friend to go to an event. And this one's a big one - I mean, really BIG. The event is way farther out from where my friend is, but he was still able to send me there. That's really special, and I like that, just as much as my friend likes it. Oh yeah, this was the first time I was able to be at this event - in the past, my friend wanted to send me to this one, but there was a more important one where he lived, so it didn't happen. We're glad that it has happened.

This is an event, yet it is also a festival - which is also the meaning of the title of the event, my friend tells me. And it was really a festival - they closed off two blocks so everyone could have a good time. Everyone did, but we were all packed together in six small streets, so everyone moved really slow like a Slugma. But then, everything there was good, so it was worth it. There was food, goodies, and lots of entertainment, all the things you'd find at festivals like this. I even took back a few things for my friend, and they're great for sure.

I did say that it was the first time I was here, so I came with my Sinnoh outfit, to keep a tradition going. The other part of the event might remind of you of another event earlier this year, and it was like that. I took part in the character parade as one of the 600 characters, but only 60 or so showed up, so it wasn't too crowded. I still didn't win anything - the judges only had a number of favorites, and I wasn't one of them. I'm a little sad, but it's OK.

The hosts played a little trick on you, Pikachu - remember? One of them went up to you and offered you to another, but then you got returned to me.

Pikachu: Pika! [surprised, slightly mad]

I think the host who offered you has a slight liking to you and me - we last saw them the other time too, as one of my character friends told me. I'm surprised too.

As for friends, I met a few character friends from where my friend lived, and a whole lot more from other places. I also helped to link up my friends with his friends. I like to see them and maybe to keep seeing them too. My friend thinks that this is the great thing about events like these - I get to meet other characters, and he gets to meet people. I really do agree.

This event is also a big thing, because the best characters from different places who can give their best performances can also stand up for us. After all the local competitions like the one before, now the winners of those get to compete against each other. It might be hard for us to do the same, but at least there are others. The winners of this one should be so proud. So congratulations to them.

This event and festival was awesome for a lot of things, and that's so great. Maybe I can go again next time, depending on the plans that my friend has. But to go just this one time is good too. My friend and I will have to see.


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