Friday, July 27, 2018

Online Pokémon Newsletters

Having mentioned one of the online Pokémon newsletters that I subscribe to in my post yesterday, I thought it might be worthwhile to review them as well. Since I am a Pokémon fan, I elected to subscribe to them with the expectation that they would be useful, and indeed they are. I've gotten quite a bit of Pokémon information from them than I would if I hadn't otherwise, and I'm glad.

Here are the ones I subscribe to:

PTC Newsletter. This is probably the key newsletter for all Pokémon fans, whether or not they play the main series games - although I'm sure that those who play Go by creating a PTC account will desire it as well. Even so, the newsletter contains info on any and all Pokémon games, as well as occasional anime and merchandise features. There are also interesting tidbits and extra information inserted into the newsletters from time to time, and these are good to know too. Given all of its contents, it really is a key newsletter to subscribe to.

Pokémon Center Newsletter. This one, which I mentioned in the previous post, can actually be considered a supplement to the PTC newsletter, but since the contents are different and more focused, I tend to treat this as its own separate newsletter. As expected, its contents are about a variety of Pokémon merchandise, including but not limited to the games; apparel, figures, dolls, and other kinds of merchandise are often featured in the newsletter. Sometimes, I'm captivated enough to almost make me want to buy them all, which is probably the point of the newsletter. Receiving it is still good even though I may not be able to buy the merchandise.

Pokémon Go Newsletter. Though special events in the game are announced as they happen upon launching the game and can be reviewed through the "News" section in the Poké Ball menu, it's helpful to also obtain information that is accessible outside the game, which is likely the point of this newsletter. I agree, and that's why I also subscribe to this one. It's helpful to have a different and conveniently viewable record of events in the game. Plus, the newsletter contains bonus features, so that is another incentive for subscribing.

These online newsletters are quite helpful. They contain lots of well-presented information for anyone who's really into Pokémon like I am. Certainly, I've become informed through them no matter their content, though obviously they're all related to Pokémon in some way or another. That's a good thing for any fan, so I can't help but recommend them to be subscribed to. I'm sure that I will continue to do so and receive the latest word on Pokémon happenings.

One year ago: Sprites, Models, and Evolutions

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