Friday, March 27, 2020

Countermeasures for Pokémon Go

Having been on a spate of posts related to COVID-19, I can't and don't wish to discuss it further until truly good news comes about. But before I leave off the topic, I want to discuss another way this affects one of the Pokémon games I frequently play now, which is Pokémon Go. As noted a few posts ago, there were a few countermeasures that were implemented in the game in order to make the game more viable to be played wherever one is, without having to go out (or at the least minimally). It's a significant thing for a game whose one of its purposes is designed to get people out and about.

Two weeks ago, there was a valuable addition to the Shop. A box of 30 Incense could be bought for the very low price of 1 coin; this becomes a very important bundle of items as it lets Pokémon appear and be caught no matter where one is, especially if Pokémon appearances are minimal and one is not close to a PokéStop or Gym. Four days ago, this was expanded upon as weekly 1-coin boxes that can contain very useful items, for which this week the box contains 100 Poké Balls. The Incense and Poké Ball boxes will be swapped for a new box next week, which should leave Trainers expectant of what will be available then to help them.

Along with the expanded 1-coin boxes, Gifts can now be found more frequently from PokéStops and Gyms, and Trainers can be more liberal with them. Trainers can now hold up to 20 Gifts at any time and open up to 30 from others. In addition, Trainers can get more Poké Balls from Gifts; usually a Gift may contain 3 Poké Balls as a possible partial bundle, but now Trainers can get 5 of them, which means up to 15 per opened Gift. This may supplement the boxes, or at the least for this week suitably fill in for it. While one may not have to search for Gifts, one may feel more comfortable in opening them, as they are especially helpful even now.

In the battle arena, the changes are quite profound. For Go Battle League, where the hottest battles are taking place, for up to the middle of next month, walking or coins to unlock further battle sets are no longer necessary, absolving one of requirements that may be arduous at the moment. For general battling, up to the end of next month, Trainers can now challenge one another remotely as long as they are Good Friends (one interaction with a Gift); this vital change is what allows remote tournaments such as for the SLA to be able to take place, as mentioned two days ago. With these changes, battles can continue to take place and Trainers can continue to reap the rewards.

Other elements have also been changed up for the foreseeable time ahead. More Pokémon are available in more places, making it viable to catch more Pokémon, hopefully without traveling far. Incense as well as the Mystery Box also lasts for one hour, double their usual duration, to allow for even more Pokémon to be caught. The first catch of the day also awards triple Stardust and triple XP, making it especially valuable. Finally, Eggs can now be hatched at half their distances, also obviating the need to travel far. These are all profound changes as well for increasing playability.

Pokémon Go for a long time has been positioned to offer something that can be played in order to go out, meet people, and explore. But in the wake of the pandemic, all three objectives become out of the question, especially for long distances. The countermeasures that have been implemented are to preempt the need for all three, at the least I would say to a good amount. It leaves better prospects of a "Go at home" situation, which seems to have to be the case until better prospects will allow Trainers to accomplish all three objectives out in the world once again.

One year ago: Ingress and Out
Two years ago: Pokémon in Common Terms
Three years ago: Cosplay: CLAS:H/ICGP 2017, Regional Edition

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