Sunday, March 15, 2020


Me: Sometimes, the oddest things happen when I'm trying to send you to events, conventions, and such. This is one of those times.

Ash: OK, what's this one?

Pikachu: Pika pika? ["What is it?"]

Me: Well, this is really an automotive exhibition, for cars, motorcycles, and the like. It's a convention, but not for Japanese things - but strangely, some of the cars are. Still, they also marked the competitions that involve us as a "convention" as well.

Ash: I can't drive a car or ride a motorcycle, but a bike or skateboard is OK.

Me: You know what, neither can I. But if I'm sending you, it has to be to show off you.

Ash: Through competitions, of course.

Me: Absolutely! There's a singing competition and character parade. And I want you in both.

Ash: Neat! And I'm singing...

Me: You're singing "Together", of course with your Sinnoh outfit.

Ash: That's a good one. I need to make up for the last performance.

Me: That's what I thought as well. But first, how was the exhibition?

Ash: I saw lots of cars! They all look so different, though.

Pikachu: Pika pika pika! ["They're all neat!"]

Ash: Pikachu seems to like running around and looking at the cars.

Me: There's a good reason for that. The title of this exhibition has "IAM" in it, and the "AM" part refers to "Automodified", so therefore there are many modified vehicles.

Ash: Maybe you'd like to make one with me on it?

Pikachu: Pika Pikachu! ["And me!"]

Me: If I had the resources, I'd gladly do it. Anyhow, the point is that this is more about the cars and stuff, but at least I can bring you in. Which brings me to the point: how'd things go in the competitions?

Ash: In the singing competition, I messed up my introduction, but the song itself was perfect. The other 18 people were good too. The character parade was the usual from me, nothing too special compared to the 29 others.

Me: Hmm. Would that be somehow reflected in the results?

Ash: I guess. I didn't win the character parade, even with five prizes. I didn't win the singing competition either, and there were a few that I thought would win something but didn't.

Me: That is strange, just as strange as these times. Perhaps more on this at some point later.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu. ["Strange indeed."]

Ash: Oh hey, speaking of strange, someone sang the "lovely boy" song from my adventure with Rayquaza and Deoxys that one time.

Me: Oh wow! This is the first time it has come to my attention that someone else sang a Pokémon song. And you became the lucky witness.

Ash: It was so fun! I hope the cars come back so I and Pikachu can come back too.

Pikachu: Pika! ["Yes!"]

Me: That might be a tall order, given this is an annual thing, this character thing is new, and then there are these strange times. But if it works out next time, why not? It might work out just as great or even better than today.

One year ago: The Pokémon Search Bar in Pokémon Go
Two years ago: Ash and Pikachu, DJF 2018 Style
Three years ago: A Psyduck Headache

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