Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A Psyduck Headache

I'm still waist-deep in my business, and it's starting to hurt my head. Not enough that it's causing a headache, but the effect is almost the same. That reminds me of a particularly famous case of headaches in the Pokémon world, and it involves a little yellow ducky Pokémon known in English as Psyduck.

Psyduck looks quite unassuming yet identifiable. It's a bipedal duck with a nearly-classical yellow body, a prominent bill, and three tufts of black hair; though identifiable for these features, it always looks like as if it is staring at you blankly. Its behavior also suggests that it's a less capable Pokémon. Its real claim to fame, though, is when it gets a headache, because it is at that point that it can maximize its psychic powers to conquer any threats it faces - including the one that caused the headache in the first place. It's an awesome power that has been showcased a few times in the anime.

From this, Psyduck can be construed to have a "when the going gets tough, the tough gets going" act - its best capability appears when it is under pressure, or rather when its head is under pressure. It's something good to take away: when pressure comes, you shouldn't lose it, but you should try to use it to get back on top, and when you use that pressure, nifty things come out which may just get you out of the jam. For everyone who's busy and pressured - including me right now - it's an important thing to remember.

I'm not in a headache state of mind yet, but it's almost like I'm getting there. But like Psyduck, this is the time where I need to start delivering my best. I can use some of that Psyduck power now and do something spectacular to get my business in order.

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